
Sunday 25 August 2013

The Curse of Glan-Y-Gors

The last corner. 
Unfortunately we have found out the my kart, or its previous and current drivers, are cursed. Whenever there is a race at G-y-G and the Easykart Junior kart number 17 enters, it never finishes the final in full working order, in fact it never finishes the final...

As the double header this year is at G-y-G, so quite a journey for us we decided to go up on Thursday afternoon, the weather looked miserable (heavy rain) so pitching a tent was not a good idea, we booked a travel lodge for Thursday night and had a little chef dinner and breakfast.

Our set-up and sleeping quarters
Friday morning we got up, had breakfast and traveled to the track, we weren't particularly early but early enough. It was DRY! We needed to get a front sprocket after I broke one at Whilton, and some more oil. We got set up and were out for the first session. It was more of a remember the track session rather than get set up sorted. I was going well, for me, not particularly quick and wrong lines but on track when I overcooked a corner and went spinning, luckily I didn't damage the kart. I got out for the second session as well but grip felt quite low, dad was wondering if the tyres were shot.  3rd and 4th sessions were uneventful with me quick in one but slower, feeling quicker, in the other. 3rd was faster. I had an uneventful day but feel I am struggling, in my driving not in getting the set up. I think I just need to think less and remember more, of what Richard has said.

What I did to my chain! SNAP
Saturday was a complete contrast to Friday and also to Sunday, it was very wet. Well I say wet but it only really got wet in Qualifying, and you cannot go in to the pits and then back out. The warm up was simple enough, blast around for the full time as I wasn't on new slicks. Qualifying everyone could tell it was going to be wet, but not when. I think there was about 4 minutes of dry before the rain came, it was only a few spots but enough to make the slicks lose traction and heat. As qualifying isn't usually my strong point I didn't mind as I lost nothing, well no real positions. I was starting the heat in 20th out of 22 and managed to finish 18th after passing someone, James Hattersly, by taking a much quicker and grippier line. The Pre-Final I finished 17th but only as some people either didn't finish or got disqualified for being under weight. The final.... well. I didn't finish. I was up to around 15th or 14th but then my kart started to die, I was hoping to be able to limp it home, but I couldn't I thought it was the carb that was the problem but it was actually a broken reed block, not good! We didn't go and get it checked till Sunday morning, so  no warm up...

Sunday as all ready stated, was dry and things looked hopeful. We were up bright and early and sorted, not. We went to see Andy about the kart, he said the kart was fine but the carb was broken. He also said he would fix it ready to be picked up at 9:30 in time for the warm up. We picked it up, same problem. One of his mechanics then took a look, told us our battery was pretty low, as they all do... WE WILL NOT BUY A NEW BATTERY!! but anyway he showed us the broken reed block and we had to buy a new one, no warm up for me. I had to go out in qualifying on brand new slicks. I managed to wear a hole in the fuel line thus destroying my chances and making me only qualify in 2nd last, and barely use my slicks. The heat I had newer slicks on than everyone else so more grip, but I managed to clip Jess on the 2nd lap and spun myself putting myself down to 2nd last, again. it didn't affect Jess. I finished the heat in 18th but due to new rules had to start in 21st, you get points for your qualifying position and heat position and they are added together to work out your pre-final start position. I finished the Pre-final in an amazing 14th place, I just hoped I could use that well in the final, knowing that if I finished it I would change personal history, I didn't. At the first corner someone spun out and I had to go around the outside, finding myself once again in 22nd place I had some work to do. I was up to around 15th place with 5 laps to go and closing in on a group of 5 ahead of me. I went ever so slightly too fast around the 1st corner and barely touched the kerb. But it was enough to take my chain off and end my weekend with yet another DNF in the final. Ahh well.

On a lighter side Whilton Mill has been confirmed as the track easykart is using for the E-plate in november!

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